My Philosophy
Inspired by the Non-Dual Understanding
I first stumbled into Non-Duality after reading Eckhart Tolle's 'The Power of Now.' The book felt so dense of raw truth that I could only read a few pages at a time. The present moment or 'the now' became a portal to liberation.
My Definition
Non-Duality is an understanding that the mind and the body are actually one; & we are pure consciousness. Everything is apart of a universal, indivisible whole. Through the awareness that we are consciousness itself we live in the present moment. A heaven on earth that always accessible.
A Multifaceted Approach: Take the Portal
We are more than our mental selves (ego). I look at ourselves as energetic beings. While anxiety can be painful and overwhelming; it also serves as a portal. If we can accept and nurture our anxiety we can unlock its intended message and reconnect with our true, authentic selves.
Chronic Anxiety
When anxiety disorders become chronic it may occur to us that something is wrong. At a certain point we can no longer live in denial. Maybe we are tired of self medicating, other forms of therapy are not working, or had a spiritual experience.
Time to take Accountability
The good news about anxiety? It's not you! It is a protective system stuck in overdrive. A symptom of our internal conflict. When we embrace conscious choice we have the power to flip the script and use our anxiety for empowerment!
We can actually use our symptoms to start exploring the inner world. Traditional therapy attempts to cope with anxiety and I have found that the the mind can’t heal itself. It is apart of the equation but we need to empower the self who exists outside the mind. We could call this anything from our soul to awareness. My approach will lean on tracing your anxiety back to its root. This is the path of conscious growth. Let’s connect!